Submission instructions

Authors are invited to submit a manuscript in English, not exceeding twelve (12) pages using at least 11 point size type, including references, figures, tables, etc. Proofs omitted due to space constraints can be put into an appendix to be read by the program committee members at their discretion. Submissions should be formatted in pdf.

Authors should submit their manuscript electronically using the easychair submission system:

The deadline for submission is January 15 January 24, 2010.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference. The proceedings will be published as a volume in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Authors of accepted papers are required to submit the final, camera-ready versions of their papers after the conference in LNCS format (


FUN 2010 Program Committee:

FUN 2010 Organizing Committee: